Unit 7

3D Tracking

What is 3D Tracking?

3D Tracking, Motion Tracking or Match-Moving is the term used to describe the simulation of live-action camera movements.

For Example,

This is the video which was filmed in Scotland and it shows different locations which is shown by using the 3D Tracking technique.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 81933098_2602352323146554_2090741769900654592_n.png

This is the screen from After Effects which shows the part of a video which i chose. you can see the start of the writing on the right hand side.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 81955229_509358089689646_8735637766924140544_n.png

This is the timeline which shows the different elements, which I created to make the 3D Tracking become even better than the original.

This is the start of the 3D Camera Tracking on After Effects. This is analysing the video so that it can pin point the marks throughout the video. Once it has finished this it will become a banner saying ‘Solving Camera’, this will just make the 3D aspect become better quality.

These are the markers which the 3D Tracker picked up throughout the video, these will enable me to include images and text in the video. These make it easier to control your different parts that you would like to include.

After you have had your markers, if you continue to move your mouse around then a red target will appear, this will show you the placement of your image or text. If you are happy with your placement then, right click and click the option ‘Null and Image’.

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